копия картины В. Поленова "Московский дворик"

Денисенко Вадим
Painting height:
Painting width:
70 см
на заказ

25,000.00 РУБ


About artist

Денисенко Вадим

Among Vadim Denisenko's works there are both marines, and river landscapes, and subject scenes, but most of all at the artist of the pictures painted in a genre of the Dutch still life. You can be convinced that images of fruit, the vegetables, flowers, kitchen utensils and other household items gathered in uniform composition turn out at Vadim Denisenko especially well. What allocates works of this author?

Vadim Denisenko gives the preference to the still life genre interesting to the artist in terms of coloristic opportunities and entertaining of process of drawing of lifeless objects. Its works really deserve attention as they fully correspond to traditions of the Dutch painting of the XVI-XVII centuries Besides, at it perfectly also landscapes turn out – at Vadim Denisenko all of them are executed at the high professional level. Many pictures of the artist take the worthy place in private galleries of Russia and abroad.

Art critics and historians unanimously admit the fact that most brightly and fully the genre of a still life revealed in samples of a Flemish and Dutch still life of the end XVI – the first half of the 17th centuries. Since then many painters tried to copy this style, creating cloths the same way, with use of attributes and symbols, traditional for the Dutch painting, – and at some very quite good job was got. But, of course, to eclipse works by great masters of that time and to bring something into world on a manner and technology of execution so almost nobody managed more exceptional.

And it is valid, with the advent of the Dutch still life in painting the whole direction which classical canons were put by artists from Holland and Flanders was created – their creations always differed in some artistry, refinement and, at the same time, the accuracy and vigor of dab, technical thoroughness. During that period there were well-known "kitchen" still lifes and "breakfasts" which formed even a separate subgenre eventually.

Today pictures with the image of food and house utensils just are ideal for registration of kitchen or the dining room in classical or neoclassical style. Vadim Denisenko's pictures can become not only worthy decoration of an interior, but also a good gift to somebody.

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