копия картины И. Остроухова "Золотая осень"

Ладыгин Олег
Painting height:
70 см
Painting width:
80 см
на заказ

35,000.00 РУБ

About artist

Ладыгин Олег

Oleg Ladygin was born in 1968 in the city of Baku, and now lives, works and is engaged in creativity in the city of Tutaev, it is considered the Moscow artist. It is connected with consumer ability and demand of professional painting in the provincial town, so it turns out that sale of pictures in Moscow and in other large cities goes several times better. To Oleg Ladygin, as well as other professional artists, often it is necessary to happen in the capital to participate in expositions and exhibitions of modern painting held by ART CITY gallery and other third-party organizers. Thus it is possible to draw to himself public attention and private collectors of painting, the interested rare and unique works.

In 1987 Oleg Ladygin graduated from the Baku art school (nowadays art school of A. Azimzade), and in the 1989th – art courses at the Moscow institute of arts. It was several times exposed, and some of its works were especially noted at competitions of young artists of Russia.

Oleg Ladygin's landscapes, it is necessary to notice, and directly special – at once are distinguished from other pictures of similar subject, city landscapes of the artist are especially expressive. Spectacular views of primordially Russian places do not leave indifferent anybody. Recognition of painting of Oleg Ladygin depends on sale of pictures in Moscow, as well as in other cities, and they are always given appreciation irrespective of the region and the place of representation of works. Concerns any creative artist rather not how many sale of pictures as impetuous desire to express itself and beauty of the world around on a canvas.

Works of the artist are very many-sided, at it the pictures painted in other genres perfectly turn out: still lifes, фигуратив, genre paintings. On the website of our online gallery of the pictures "ART CITY" which is carrying out sale of pictures in Moscow to natural and legal entities all its various cloths are presented. A part of the pictures painted earlier was acquired by some private Russian and foreign art galleries therefore not all works are available at us now. In case the cloth sold already is ideal under your interior or pleased you, the painter with pleasure will write the copy of such picture especially as it on it has legitimate right.

Look what surprising and expressive pictures are painted by Oleg Ladygin – the skill of such level is worthy all praises!

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