List of products by manufacturer Абрамова Татьяна

Tatyana Abramova is the professional artist who is engaged in painting not the first year. Paints in a traditional, classical manner in oils on a canvas, mainly landscapes though in a collection of its works there are both still lifes, and portraits which the artist custom-made. In the pictures it with a surprising accuracy reproduces the real Russian nature of a midland of Russia. Her works are full of undisguised love to the home ground, love unconditional and unconditional which the Russian person to the homeland can test. The artist especially well are successful in reservoirs with the trees which are reflected in them and other coastal vegetation. It is not casual that in each work of the master beauty of flora is complemented inexpressible with words by magnificence of a water smooth surface, always mirror and clear and unperturbable.

Tatyana Abramova is the professional artist who is engaged in painting not the first year. Paints in a traditional, classical manner in oils on a canvas, mainly landscapes though in a collection of its works there are both still lifes, and portraits which the artist custom-made. In the pictures it with a surprising accuracy reproduces the real Russian nature of a midland of Russia. Her works are full of undisguised love to the home ground, love unconditional and unconditional which the Russian person to the homeland can test. The artist especially well are successful in reservoirs with the trees which are reflected in them and other coastal vegetation. It is not casual that in each work of the master beauty of flora is complemented inexpressible with words by magnificence of a water smooth surface, always mirror and clear and unperturbable.

In search of inexpensive pictures for decoration of a house interior it is possible to revise a set of catalogs and collections, but not to find any standing work. In this regard performing painting created by Tatyana Abramova differs in due degree of monumentalism and academism, will not call them the inexpensive pictures painted under the influence of a sudden creative rush in any way. Private collectors of painting are interested in Tatyana Abramova's works; a number of the art galleries which are in the territory of Russia and abroad acquired some of works by the master of a brush.

In principle, the concept "inexpensive pictures" not absolutely is suitable for definition of any picturesque cloths. The reproductions printed in the machine way can be inexpensive, but they have not a direct bearing on the fine arts and, in fact, represent only a color photocopy of the original. The original differs from a reproduction as true beauty from its imitation. Having won in the price, buyers of reproductions lose the main thing for the sake of what the picture is got, – particles of true art and uniqueness of the art object. All this is inherent in Tatyana Abramova's cloths.

There is a wish to hope that each viewer, as well as the buyer of these works, will appreciate talent of their author which is definitely worthy praises.

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