List of products by manufacturer Жуков Леонид

Leonid Zhukov – the real virtuoso of a lyrical landscape. Its so warm cloths and light that, looking at them, involuntarily you forget all cares and alarms and entirely you plunge into the wonderful world of harmony and happiness. Leonid Zhukov's landscapes are a real paradise on the earth, the fantastic corners mislaid somewhere in the middle of open spaces of our immense homeland. Getting to the similar place, there is no wish to think about any pressing problems. Tranquility of the world around weakens and brings to a composure state when you feel as a whole with the nature and all living beings on the earth. It is difficult to find such state in turmoil of city life – to these and exclusive gifts of type of a picture as bring with themselves to the house the world and comfort are valuable.

Leonid Zhukov – the real virtuoso of a lyrical landscape. Its so warm cloths and light that, looking at them, involuntarily you forget all cares and alarms and entirely you plunge into the wonderful world of harmony and happiness. Leonid Zhukov's landscapes is a real paradise on the earth, the fantastic corners mislaid somewhere in the middle of open spaces of our immense homeland. Getting to the similar place, there is no wish to think about any pressing problems. Tranquility of the world around weakens and brings to a composure state when you feel as a whole with the nature and all living beings on the earth. It is difficult to find such state in turmoil of city life – to these and exclusive gifts of type of a picture as bring with themselves to the house the world and comfort are valuable.

Performing painting which is created by Leonid Zhukov differ in the accuracy of the observations recorded on a canvas by means of a brush and paints. Any element of composition does not look inappropriate or clashing. The technical skill of execution of each work just strikes and brings into admiration. As thinly trees, a grass, snow caps on bushes, roofs, fences are also written in details out! As mirror display is truly transferred in water of coastal space! Only peer at these paints and half tone – as play of light and shadow in each part of a canvas is precisely presented! Any picture of Leonid Zhukov are a magnificent exclusive gift which is appropriate for making even not to really close people in acknowledgement or respect.

It is necessary to notice that among Leonid Zhukov's works there are different types of landscapes: river, rural, city, park, with views of monasteries and other significant architectural monuments. These works have also something the general that makes related them among themselves - it is boundless love of the author to the native land, the native land. Likely, only the Russian person can experience all depth of maintenance of these landscapes, their emotional component, the author's message put in a basis of each work. Therefore for the Russian person such picture will become clear without wasting words, and for the foreign guest it will become a good exclusive gift which it will take away on the homeland as a souvenir for the memory of our edges. By the way, if you go abroad to someone on a visit, then take couple of small pictures which you will be able to present to judges of fine there – with such exclusive gift you will be accepted with big hospitality everywhere.

Leonid Zhukov, besides landscapes, writes also still lifes, subject scenes to order. In our art gallery its best works are presented.

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